Interface for the configuration of the RedisVectorStore. It includes the Redis client, index name, index options, key prefix, content key, metadata key, vector key, and filter.

interface RedisVectorStoreConfig {
    indexName: string;
    redisClient: RedisClientType<{} & RedisModules, RedisFunctions, RedisScripts> | RedisClusterType<{} & RedisModules, RedisFunctions, RedisScripts>;
    contentKey?: string;
    createIndexOptions?: Omit<RedisVectorStoreIndexOptions, "PREFIX">;
    filter?: string | string[];
    indexOptions?: CreateSchemaFlatVectorField | CreateSchemaHNSWVectorField;
    keyPrefix?: string;
    metadataKey?: string;
    vectorKey?: string;


indexName: string
redisClient: RedisClientType<{} & RedisModules, RedisFunctions, RedisScripts> | RedisClusterType<{} & RedisModules, RedisFunctions, RedisScripts>
contentKey?: string
createIndexOptions?: Omit<RedisVectorStoreIndexOptions, "PREFIX">
filter?: string | string[]
keyPrefix?: string
metadataKey?: string
vectorKey?: string

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